Picking The Most Effective Los Angeles Cardiologist

By Gerald Agujero

It goes without saying, that the heart is a crucial part of the human body. It is the engine that supplies fuel to the rest of the body. It is the nature's wonder, a miraculous feat that the heart persists on pumping from the moment of its full functional formation until the expiration of the body, the vehicle it serves; sometimes thriving beyond the breakdown of all other organs and systems in the rest of the body, the heart can go on.There have been many milestones in cardiology and may famous cardiologist have contributed to better understanding how our heart works and significantly improving the way we live today.

Michael DeBakey started life on September 7, 1908 in Lake Charles, Louisiana. He studied at Tulane University School of Medicine in New Orleans, Louisiana and received his B.S. in 1930, his M.D. in 1932, and his M.S. in 1935.

Early on, he showed real genius. Before he had even obtained his M.S., DeBakey invented a special pump that is a vital part of the heart-lung machine, a machine that makes open-heart surgery possible by doing the job of the lungs and heart while surgery is being performed. He also devised a system for fixing aortas. Debakey was on the first surgeons to use what is known as the Dacron graft to repair and replace blood vessels.

80 years later, French biologist Raymond de Vieussens unveiled his revelations about the hearts mechanics. His detailed illustrations of the heart and its arteries are awe-inspiring in both artistic merit and fine detail. For the next 200 years the science of cardiology uncovered more about the heart's secrets. By the 18th century, physicians had learned a great deal more about our cardiovascular system. The science of monitoring blood pressure had emerged. The Reverend Stephen Hales discovery of blood pressure ushered in a new era. Soon a direct correlation between blood pressure and heart health was established.

Debakey continue to make advances in the field of cardiology and practice medicine right up until his death at the age of 99 in 2008. Two years prior to his death, the procedure that he had perfected in the 60's was used to save his life on December 31, 2005.

A true breakthrough in cardiology was made in 1938 when Robert E. Gross performed the first heart surgery. Gross, an American surgeon, was able to save the lives of infants and young children suffering from blue babies condition through surgery. Ten years later, Gross performed the first artery graft surgery, thereby making giant leaps in medicine.

In 1951, American surgeon Charles Hufnagel invented the first aplastic, artificial heart valve. This was another true miracle that gave a new lease on life to patients with heart valve failure. In 1952 at the University of Minnesota, C. Walton Lillehei and Dr. F. John Lewis, both American surgeons, performed the first successful open heart surgery to correct a congenital heart defect. The following year in 1953, American surgeon John Heysham Gibbon Jr. used a mechanical heart and blood purifier machine to make heart surgery safer and more effective. Unfortunately, and quite ironically, Gibbon died of a heart attack.

During this time, he met Michael E DeBakey and they developed a way to remove aortic aneurysms. He performed bloodless surgeries for Jehovah's Witnesses during the 1960's. He and his team developed new artificial heart valves which helped to drop mortality rates for heart valve transplant surgery from 70% all the way to 8%.

He performed the first successful artificial heart transplant in 1969. The man lived for over 2 days with this artificial heart beating inside of him. This operation was the start of a 40 year feud between DeBakey and Cooley. Debakey was to perform the surgery, however was delayed by a speaking engagement. Cooley went ahead and performed the surgery without authorization and stole this significant event from DeBakey.

Many other advances in first have occurred in history of cardiology. The defibrillator machine was first tested on dogs in the late 1800s. It wasn't really considered safe for humans until around 1947. It's then that an American teen patient was revived using the first working defibrillation machine. Advances in cardiology continue to astound and amaze us. In 1982 the first arterial heart had been implanted in a human patient. Dr. Robert K. Jarvik's artificial heart (dubbed the Jarvik 7) was implanted into retired Barney Clark, at the University of Utah

In looking at these two great men, we have only really glimpsed their long careers, careers that accounted for the saving of many lives, and by extension, giving life back to the families who cared about those that went under the skillful hands of both DeBakey and Cooley.

Many miraculous strides have been made throughout history by brilliant minds. Without the contributions made by the aforementioned and not mentioned inventors, researchers, scholars and doctors dedicated themselves to study the human heart to the point of creating a new heart that can be replaced if our nature made default one fails. Let us not forget, that without their contribution, many of our ancestors and, yes, naturally many of us may not be alive today or even have ever been born.

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If You Are Serious About Mens Weight Loss Supplements

By Trent Krone

In this article, we are going to examine the best tricks and latest techniques to assist men who want to lose weight and choose the best weight loss supplements. This is because in the market there are very many fake products, which will not work despite having spent a lot of money to buy them.

Because of the amazing benefits to the Acai berry many companies started manufacturing supplements and products made from this fruit. However as in all types of markets there are products that advertise on the power of the Acai yet have little to nothing in their supplement. This is not the case with Acai Force Max which is supplement for losing weight but that is formulated specifically for men, and which uses the full potency of the real Acai berry.

These weight loss supplements are ideal for men not only for the weight loss properties of the berry itself but also because of the many other benefits it has making it the perfect weight loss supplement.

If you read through as many reviews as possible one thing that you will notice is that Acai berry supplement has very positive reviews and this serves to prove that it is a good weight loss supplement for men. The product is well known for its properties that suppress the appetite of users making them consume less food. At the same time, the supplement activates some enzymes in the body, which make the body to burn more calories than usual. This makes the body lose weight and maintain a sexy and masculine figure for men.

The detoxifying element of Max Acai makes it a popular solution for people who have clogged their systems with unhealthy food and drinks. The product works by removing toxins that have been stored in the colon. A clean colon is equal to a body that is able to function well.

There is some chemical action in the berry that causes it to break up the stored fat in your body and with the added exercise and energy, you just automatically start peeling off that fat.

It is also important to seek some technical advice from qualified medical practitioners to assist you to know the best supplements to use. Such people have information that other ordinary people do not have and they can assist a person to make a well-informed decision. Very many recognized medical practitioners have endorsed Acai berry supplement and this shows that it is the best fast weight loss supplement to use.

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Build A Professional Website With Professional Web Design Company

By Kenny Yeung

Business ownership is generally filled with a large number of difficulties and stresses to sort through. Many owners learn that they are unable to concentrate on all that is needed of them when trying to be certain their companies are able to grow and reach viable consumers with effectiveness which can be particularly true of site owners. Anyone focused on the marketability and revenue creation of their site should know the benefits of using a web design company.

Website design providers are trained on offering the skills and technologies needed to create a highly effective page for their clients. Owners are typically focused on this kind of company when attempting to be assured their page is designed and managed in a productive manner while avoiding unnecessary challenges for branding needs. Owners are often cautious about deciding to use this kind of professional.

Owners interested in using this kind of e-marketing company have plenty of options to consider. The popularity of trying to grow a site and create traffic in a professional manner has led to a significant number of opportunities for owners to sort through. Concentrating on the benefits of using this kind company is helpful in completing a wise decision.

One of the most initial perks that people realize with the use of this kind of company is the opportunity to sort through plenty of options. Online marketing strategies are largely based on the creation of a professional web page which has launched the supply and demand of viable companies offering this particular solution. Owners are offered the chance to make sure they receive the most viable solutions as a result of this offering.

An additional perk of this type of company is the opportunity to make sure the page is professional in appearance. Consumers are often concerned about the appearance and ease of use with the pages they decide to shop from and browse through which is why a professional site is pertinent to consider. Mobile friendly versions are even offered to make sure convenience access is offered at all times.

Effective graphics are also made available with the use of this type of company. Graphics are an essential proponent of being able to enhance all the content that is created while also being able to increase SEO and SMO placement for continual visibility. Professionals are equipped with the software and talents required for creative implementation.

Companies providing this solution to clients are also equipped to fully maintain the page upon completion. Content management and basic site functionality are pertinent aspects of making sure the page is always visible and able to provide services to consumers. Owners are offered the chance to make sure their page is carefully managed and able to provide revenue as needed.

A web design company is also equipped to offer affordable prices. Site owners are usually required to deal with limited start-up and operating budgets which can be difficult to maintain when using professional solutions of some kind. Competitive pricing is combined with viable solutions to generate a great deal overall.

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