Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diet. Show all posts
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Detox Diet

Posted by Abdulrahman Jmail

This is a method to get rid of dangerous toxins inside our body for optimum health.

There are several types of detox diets around. You can do this by mixing some chemicals together, eating raw foods, fruits and vegetables that are designed to increase the frequency of their movements and urination. Before you try anything, you should talk to your doctor.

You can not buy what you do not feel anything wrong, but research suggests that something will go wrong over time when there is a place in which these harmful chemicals.

Most of us usually share when we experience a hormonal imbalance, impaired immune function, nutritional deficiencies and inefficient metabolism but why wait when prevention is the first line of defense against any problem.

In fact, this is the daily error many people who plan to visit the doctor only when they do not feel very well.

Detoxification diet has many benefits with the exception of the elimination of the harmful chemicals. It also improves concentration, digestion and energy. If you want your body, you can even recognize that you have a lighter skin.

One thing you should know when you go to start a detox diet is that these adverse effects. The most common are headache often occurs during the first few days, especially if you drink coffee. You can control by reducing the amount of caffeine you drink until it is consumed.

Another side effect is diarrhea, which if untreated, can lead to dehydration and electrolyte loss. The opposite can also happen which is constipation. You can prevent both from happening by drinking plenty of fluids. Other adverse effects associated with a detox diet are acne, fatigue, hunger, irritability and weight loss.

There are some things that people should remember about a detox diet.

First, everyone can go on a detox diet, including pregnant and lactating women and children.

If you are reported to have anemia, eating disorders, autoimmune diseases, cancer, terminal illness, certain genetic diseases, diabetes, kidney disease, thyroid disease, and other chronic diseases should try this diet under the supervision of primary care physician.

The detox diet is temporary because if this is done, a long period of time can lead to nutritional deficiencies specifically protein deficiency so it should be done once or twice a year.

For those who are taking medications, you should continue to take them unless prescribed by your doctor.

Once the detox diet is completed, you can return to your previous plan, with some modifications, such as eating more vegetables and fruits.

The detox diet is fairly new and although nothing will or no evidence that it works, people are willing to try if you believe it may be beneficial to them.

Now that you realize what a detox diet, you can choose to prove itself or not. Before doing so, first consult a doctor to examine your overall health so you can be sure that it is safe for you.

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Scarsdale Diet

Posted by Abdulrahman Jmail

Whether you are looking to lose a little holiday weight or lose a few kilos before an event of special medical Scarsdale diet is the answer. Scarsdale Diet
The scheme is similar to the Atkins diet, as it is in the content of low carb high protein, but also has the advantage of including some complex carbohydrates and allows even diet soda. This is one reason why the Scarsdale diet has become one of the most popular diets available today. Scarsdale Diet

How does Scarsdale Medical Diet

This system works by creating a chemical reaction in the body that is affected by the consumption of certain foods. Scarsdale Diet
This chemical reaction begins to turn your bodies metabolism into overdrive and burn the body burns like there's no tomorrow. You can literally see the fat disappear. The regime not only burns fat, but has the additional benefit of increasing your energy level. Scarsdale Diet

Scarsdale diet menu

An example of a typical day

Breakfast is more or less the sale of every day and should include the following elements

*Half a grapefruit
*A slice of toast without butter or jam protein, etc.
*Like many black tea or coffee you want, but do not add sugar or cream, etc.

Lunch changes daily, but here's a typical day

*Turkey or chicken
With the side of tomatoes, cabbage, cauliflower and carrots*
*Half a grapefruit
*Black / tea as before or soda and water regimes

Dinner is still different every day, but here is a typical day

*Grilled steak, everything will be done, but be sure to cut the fat
*With a salad that includes lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, celery
*Black / tea as before or soda and water regimes

As you can see on the menu is hearty and does not feel like a diet at all. Scarsdale Diet
Remember that the secret is in the chemical reaction of these foods in your body if you eat more meat, vegetables and fruits in each meal you want. Scarsdale Diet

The Scarsdale Medical Diet is truly unique and can really make a loss of up to 20 pounds in less than two weeks. Scarsdale Diet

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Asian Diet Revolution

Posted by Abdulrahman Jmail

The traditional Asian diet has been around for hundreds of years and has remained unchanged to this day. The Asian Diet Revolution is considered the world's best lean diet for women and men Asian diet. Have you ever wondered why many people find it difficult to reach your ideal weight, no matter how much you train? The answer is poor diet. If you have not managed to get a pair of ripped abs then maybe it is time to change your eating habits. Asian diet

You need a healthy and natural diet that promotes fat loss. Stay away from processed foods and junk you do not get the proper amount of nutrients the body needs Asian diet. Worse, in processed food that have replaced natural fats and nutrients or modified synthetic fibers that are detrimental to health. Think of it this way: The foods we eat are the building blocks, and finally becomes a part of your body. If you eat nothing but junk, you can expect to have a strong, capable, lean and healthy? Of course not! Asian diet

Most of the time problems, obesity and weight did not occur only because of lack of physical activity, but also by poor diet. When you give the body the building blocks of their lower quality or even the wrong type of material, the result can be disastrous Asian diet. Your body becomes so hungry for the type of equipment that provides the chemical and hormonal activity of your body out of balance, causing excessive weight gain. Fortunately, this problem can be easily solved by switching to a healthy diet, as the traditional Asian diet. Asian diet

With the Asian diet get skinny is a natural thing and almost effortlessly. The Asian Diet Revolution is probably the healthiest food in the word. Many believe that the Asian food plan weight loss is a vegetarian diet. In fact, it is not. The meat is consumed, but in small quantities and only as a garnish Asian diet. However, this world food pyramid is mainly herbal and focuses on, fresh organic vegetables, fruits, rice, roots, herbs, seeds and nuts. Asians have a long tradition in regard to food and resisted modern agricultural methods such as the use of insecticides and chemical fertilizers. With the traditional Asian diet, you can be sure that the ingredients are fresh, nutritious and chemical free. Asian diet

Now let's examine the differences between the food consumed in the West and those consumed in the East. The modern Western diet is mainly processed foods today. These foods have been modified in their properties and chemical composition could be distinguished chemistry and nutrition of their natural counterparts. Most so-called modern foods are high in calories but contain few nutrients. It is the lack of nutrients, high in calories and processed foods are the main modifications responsible for the increase in obesity and chronic diseases that are so common in the West, but almost unknown in the eastern states. Asian diet

When you go to the pyramid of Asian food diet, you will notice right away that you are less hungry and less likely to overeat. This is because you are giving your body what it really wants. Not only that. This diet can reverse the harmful effects of modern diets can cure many lifestyle diseases that afflict modern society.

Eating Asian way has for centuries and remain youthful, vigorous and slim. Learn about the Asian diet pyramid and how to exercise so that your body will react favorably to and reap the highest benefit without wasting effort. For Asian Diet Revolution.

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Chemical diet

Posted by Abdulrahman Jmail

The chemical decomposition scheme comes with claims that it is possible to lose weight quickly - up to 10 pounds in three days was widely reported. Chemical diet If you feel the need to throw some quick weight worth noting that food ingredients are commonly found in most supermarkets. Chemical diet

Perhaps best known as the 3 day diet and diet tuna fish, was reported chemical breakdown diet to succeed due to the chemical reaction of the ingredients that act on fatty deposits and flushing the system. Product of fat loss actually weight loss. Chemical diet

Because the ingredients were selected with this chemical reaction in mind, he advises dieters against other replacement foods and also to follow the order in which they are intended to be consumed the ingredients. Chemical diet

Some versions of the chemical breakdown diet refer to it as 3 days on 4 days off and food, which means it is meant to be followed by three days and four days should eat normally before repeating the diet. Naturally, Chemical diet dieters are warned against excessive or unhealthy consumption during the four-day break, if the weight loss is permanent. Chemical diet


We recommend the salt and pepper seasoning. Drink plenty of water - 6-8 cups.


We recommend the salt and pepper seasoning. Drink plenty of water - 6-8 cups.


Tomorrow :: 1 tablespoon peanut greeted with a slice of bread, Chemical diet half a grapefruit and a cup of tea or coffee (without milk) butter. Chemical diet

Noon :: 1 tablespoon peanut greeted with 1 slice of toast, tuna (half a cup), and a cup of tea or coffee (without milk) butter.

Afternoon :: skinless chicken breast (1 serving), green beans (1 cup), sugar (1 cup) ice cream (1 cup), Apple small

DAY 2:

Tomorrow :: boiled or poached egg (1), 1 slice of toast, banana (1/2), and a cup of tea or coffee (without milk.

Noon :: (1 cup) Cookies Tuna (6), and a cup of tea or coffee without milk.

Afternoon: Frankfurter hot dogs (2), banana (1/2), broccoli (1 cup), carrots (1/2 cup) ice cream 1/2 cup

DAY 3:

Tomorrow :: cheddar cheese (1 slice), cookies (5) apple (1), and a cup of tea or coffee without milk.

Noon :: egg boiled or poached (1), 1 slice of toast.

Afternoon :: Tuna (1 cup), sugar (1 cup), cauliflower (1 cup) ice cream (1/2 cup), cantaloupe 1/2

Avoid eating between meals. As the calories are limited and below what the body normally required, the deficit is made up of fat deposits in the body consumption. The low level of carbohydrate prevent water retention, which also contribute to weight loss. However, long-term benefits and avoid replacing the weight that has been paid, please note a change in eating habits including feed and a variety of food to choose from

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Fruit Diet

 Posted by Abdulrahman Jmail

Fruit diet is a good (or better) alternative to other forms of food such as baked or fried. Fruits provide the
body with many nutrients. These include many forms of vitamins and energy. Fruit into the body faster. This is because, among other fruits are simple sugars. On a diet of fruits, the only parts of plants used are legumes, vegetables, seeds and other plant material that can be achieved without harming the plant. In other words, the "culinary" fruit (apples, oranges, pears, etc.) and fruit or seeds containing reproductive organs "botanical" of flowering plants (beans, berries, peppers, cucumbers, grains, nuts, peas, pumpkin, pumpkin seeds, tomatoes, etc.), you can eat, but not carrots, potatoes or spinach, etc., which require the destruction of the plant

A true fruitarian believes that the removal of a root vegetable (like a potato or a lettuce leaf) damage, which is contrary to the notion of fruitarian without causing death or injury to anything so consuming certain it (the tomato and avocado are considered either fruit or vegetable, and thus are exceptions to this rule

The diet of fruit may seem limited in variety and nutrition, but the nuts of any kind to provide a source of protein and cereal and pasta are offered a balanced diet. Eggs can be eaten if organic chickens

The negative

A fruit diet is difficult to follow, and frugivores can develop long-term health problems, such as

• Vitamin B12 - B12 is essential for normal functioning of the nervous system and the production of blood cells. To be absorbed by the body, B12 must bind to a protein (secreted by glands in the lining of the stomach), called "intrinsic factor." Vitamin B12 (cobalamin) is produced exclusively by microorganisms (bacteria), and the main sources of vitamin B12 are meat, eggs and dairy products, all absent in the fruitarian diet. B12 is not present in all fruits, and even if it is on the surface of the fruit due to bacterial action, there will be nothing after cleaning / preparation of the fruit

Of course, there are other causes of vitamin B12 deficiency is low in the diet, such as

• Abdominal surgery or disorders / intestinal affecting the production or absorption of intrinsic factor
• Chronic alcoholism
• Crohn's disease
• Fish tape worm
• pernicious anemia, due to the absence of intrinsic factor
• Symptoms of diabetes or hypoglycemia, because of the high sugar content of the fruit diet, which also lacks protein, minerals and fat soluble vitamins

• symptoms of eating disorders - frugivorous long term are prone to cravings and consequent binge is authorized" or "illegal" food, and often become dependent on dates (for their high sugar content) and lawyers (for its high fat content). Some may develop a type of eating disorder whose name was coined, "orthorexia nervous" (which means "ortho" straight, correct and true), which has similarities with "anorexia nervosa". Orthorexia refers to nerve a pathological fixation on "adequate" products called eating

Maintain nutrient levels

Care should be taken with a fruit diet to ensure adequate intake of nutrients, identifying and including adequate sources

• Calcium
• Energy
• an iron supplement
• Riboflavin
• Vitamin B12
• Vitamin D

Detox Diet fruit and process

One of the most effective methods for detoxification is the one in which they are used fruits and natural juices. The diet of fruit is an excellent remedy for excess organic toxicity because it corrects the alkaline state of the body, eliminates acidic chemicals in our bodies and helps us lose weight by providing us with a large amount of energy for simultaneously

People who use the fruit diet usually remove all dead cells, fat excretions and other unhealthy elements of their body. Eliminating toxins, our body will make use of all the ways you can do this: urine, feces, skin, mouth, sinuses

Long after the fruit diet is important to remember that all fruits, citrus, especially lemons, grapefruits and oranges, have the most beneficial and powerful effect in the detoxification process. Other fruits that also enhance the elimination of wastes from the body are pineapples. But aside from this, keep in mind that any consumption of fruit leads to a healthy lifestyle and works very well in the body

The diet of fruits and eliminate toxins have miraculous effects on our health, not only through the elimination of all waste and toxic compounds from the bloodstream and the rest of the body (colon, liver, heart etc..) Fruit diet helps you get rid of allergies, vitalizes and stimulates us and leads to a good stamina, improves eyesight, makes our nails, teeth and strong and healthy hair, skin becomes radiant and sweet aroma. In addition, our cognitive function and mental abilities are stimulated and increased, while emotional disorders such as stress or anxiety are minimized


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