The Nutritional Benefits Of Honey

By Jaclyn Hurley

Honey is made by bees. The Bees make it from the flower nectar. They usually swallow, digest, and then regurgitate the nectar to make honey. This sweetest product from nectar can actually make your health improve. Discussed in this piece are some of the most important nutritional benefits of honey.

The wonderful healing qualities of this product were realized many years ago. Remember that even the ancient people used to harvest this particular product. It was realized that this sweetener can deal with bacteria than any other antibacterial in the market. This is because of the content of nutrients in this type of product. Also, it can make your health improve quickly and does not have any side effects like other sweeteners found in the market.

You should bear in mind that nectar itself is mainly composed of sucrose and water. When bees add enzymes on the nectar, an additional chemical compound is created. The compound inverts the sucrose into fructose and glucose. Water evaporates so that the resulting product cannot be spoiled by the bacteria. Thus, honey is a great source of carbohydrates.

The recent research that has been done indicates that this particular product has eighty percent of natural sugar. This sugar comprises of glucose and fructose. Eighteen percent of it is water. The product is of good quality due to low water content. Two percent comprises of pollen, proteins, and minerals. The available minerals include copper, calcium, iron, zinc, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus. Vitamins are B6, riboflavin, amino acids, niacin, and thiamine.

Honey is regarded as both food and medicine. That is why it can heal any type of cancer or heart disease. This product contains antioxidants, which are very effective in curbing these kinds of ailments. The antioxidants found in the product are very effective and may deal with the heart problem or cancer as quickly as possible.

This type of product is also effective in dealing with ulcers and gastrointestinal complications. Many people suffer from ulcers and do not know the right cure. Recent research conducted to find out whether honey is effective in curbing ulcers was actually successful. Individuals who frequently suffer from ulcers or gastrointestinal disorders are advised to take large quantities of this product.

This kind of product is also good for marathon athletes. It is believed to enhance their performance in the field. This is due to the energy found in the carbohydrates. Studies show that it maintains glycogen levels. It also improves the recovery time more than other sweeteners found on the market today.

Patients with chest problems are advised to take this product in plenty. This is because it helps reduce coughing. If you taste a little of it, you will find that the coughing reduces gradually. You can still take it alongside other medicines. Doctors advise patients with cough problems to have this product nearby for emergency purposes.

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Proper Nutrition Promotes Our Health And Quality Of Life

By Bert Sullivan

The word nutrition has several definitions, but most people take it as a synonym for good (as in healthy) food. This is one meaning; another is the study of how the body uses food for growth, tissue repair and replacement, energy production, and system defense. Some nutrients naturally found in food have been isolated or replicated as 'supplements', dense nutrition in a tablet, capsule, drink, or powder.

Most of us know that there are high and low calorie foods. Calories are used to measure how much heat is produced in metabolism. Calories are not all bad; the ones that are combined with valuable nutrients provide energy. However, 'empty calories' in foods devoid of nutrients are detrimental to health. They can even be negatives, if their digestion drains stored vitamins and minerals from the body.

Whole, fresh foods hold out the best hope of a diet sufficient in vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances. For many generations, people lived on food that they produced or gathered themselves, and this food provided what they needed to maintain health and stave off illness. Vegetables from the garden, fruit off the trees, grain from the fields, and meat from the barnyard were staples of everyday diets.

Foods are modified for commercial reasons. Fresh fruits are both expensive and perishable. It's easier to stock up on canned fruits and vegetables, frozen fruit juices, or frozen vegetables. Milk, once drunk raw (unpasteurized) and fresh from the cow or goat, is now pasteurized and homogenized. Unfortunately, much of the goodness of the natural food was lost along the way.

To extend shelf-life, essential fatty acids are removed, which has caused a general lack of these vital nutrients. Fiber is not popular with those who like soft or crisp baked goods, and vegetable oils used as common ingredients have been rendered unhealthy by processing. Sugar addiction is a problem for many and causes obesity, bone degeneration, and tooth decay, as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies.

An effort must be made to obtain foods in a natural state, as fresh as possible, and in quantity suited to daily activity. Food allergies or sensitivities should be taken into account. Sugary foods, refined foods, and packaged foods full of artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives should be eliminated altogether or strictly limited. Children should be taught early on the value of a diet rich in good fats, plentiful fiber, adequate protein, and fruits and vegetables for vitamins and minerals.

Not all of a nutritional program concerns food. Exercise to tone muscle and promote fitness is very important. Walking, weight training, and body building tone muscles and strengthens the digestive tract and other internal organs. An adequate supply of pure water every day is vital. Deep sleep, which escapes many, is also necessary. Breathing from the diaphragm, as happens during exercise, is another health booster.

Anyone interested in a good quality of life, with freedom from pain and illness and enough energy to enjoy both work and play, must understand nutrition and assess their own diet. Much suffering and expense can thus be avoided.

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Magnificent Reasons To Enjoy Massage Therapy Coquitlam Services

By Anita Ortega

Muscles are made up of mostly water and other fluids meaning they require much care. Many people simply lack the time to make improvements because they have to work. Neglecting the needs of the body is not wise. Licensed professionals have enough training to manipulate the muscles to relief pain. The clients can find themselves living for longer periods of time worry free. Enthusiasts can read further rand learn about massage therapy Coquitlam services.

People that are athletic perform movements that cause injuries. When they fail to take care of their bodies, their skills deteriorate. They can ruin their careers by losing their abilities to train. The same thing goes for football and basketball players. They have to watch out for pulled muscles and tendon. Savvy people in these professions will seek out advice from licensed therapists.

People that have advanced in age to significant degrees are vulnerable to injuries. This is the reason why, so many of them end up in wheelchairs. Being stuck in a mobility scooter is a good way to miss out on quality time with friends. Never the less, there is no reason for a person to live with pain. Licensed experts are always available to offer relief.

The martial arts require much discipline in order for practitioners to perform great physical feats. Strength is not the only goal as skills can also depend on good technique. Relaxation is very essential for the muscles. Training can often cause tension and fatigue leading to poor form. Licensed therapists can apply soothing touches to fatigued areas of the body.

Without proper relaxation one cannot expect to get any sleep. A lack of rest will lead to fatigue and other serious health related problems. The best course of action when one is under stress is to hire a therapist trained in the art of body rubbing. This person can assess the conditions of the muscle groups and apply the right techniques. After a few sessions the client would be free from insomnia.

It does not matter where a service is located anymore. The businesses tend to operate in the most common places including spas, malls and hospitals. This makes it easier for people that lack vehicles to get to them. The ones that do drive would save money on gas. The elderly and disabled will not have to endure pain as long as they make efforts to visit local offices.

It is not hard to become a licensed professional in this industry. An enthusiast can learn by reading books and practice with an instructor at a colleges. This individual would be able to gain first hand experience of what it is like to treat people. This would lead to high demand skills that could produce money.

This is an ancient form of therapy that has been passed down through the generations. Research has shown that early roots began in China and then expanded to the West. To this day it continues to be a popular choice for pain relief. All types of people such as the elderly and athletes hire therapists for their needs. As far as negative side effects, they depend on the conditions of the individuals in pain. Consultations should be done with licensed health practitioners before hiring anyone to perform body rubbing therapy.

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