About Kundalini Facts

By Barbara L. Bennett

The sure shot method for awakening of the kundalini. Before we discuss about kundalini awakening... we need to understand its meaning. The Shakti is that hidden positive energy stored in every human being by awakening which every human being can reach the level of Mahavira, Gautama Buddha, Jesus Christ and Prophet Mohammed.The awakening is possible by practicing the right Yoga and meditation. In the normal circumstances this awakening is supposed to happen within a period of 11 million manifestations in the form of a human being. A serious seeker of spirituality always desires this type of awakening at the earliest. Why?

The gifts of kundalini.All it's experiences have in common that people feel more or less overwhelmed by some powerful energy rushing through their system and rewarding them with amazing spiritual visions, supernatural bliss or gifts like clairvoyance or the ability to heal others with the power of the mind. People may also get amazing insights to questions that are important to humankind, they may be able to create true works of art or help others in a profound way. At the pinnacle of these experiences people may feel that they are uniting with God or becoming enlightened.

These symptoms of may range from inexplicable physical pain, to extreme emotional disturbances, up to a complete psychotic break-down of one's functioning ego-personality. What makes matters worse, these painful experiences are usually exacerbated by a lot of mental confusion because the person who is going through them often cannot understand what is happening to them.

This elevator... the shortcut is the path which can be awakened by preserving the cosmic energy provided to every human being every month. As the stored energy increases... so does the journey expedite?Every true seeker of spirituality has to one-day switchover to the recourse of it's awakening for the normal path may take millions of manifestations... a long journey indeed!As the Shakti raises from the base of the spine towards the centre of the forehead... one shall experience very fearful flashes. It is really frightening sometimes as this awakening is accompanied by the shadow of a mammoth king cobra with many heads glaring at you from a short distance.The coiled Serpentine kundalini Shakti has been compared to the power which one experiences while watching a coiled snake coming out of slumber. It is too frightening an experience and many seekers of spirituality leave their journey midway.

Yogic texts elaborate how the it's piercing the different consciousness centers (chakras/cakras), can equip the practitioner with siddhis (powers) such as, clairvoyance, the ability to see the past and future, and perceive the existence of subtle planes of existence (among the least dramatic). The vivid and colorful descriptions of the siddhis can be another misguided motivator to pursue awakening the kundalini, in fact these can be quite an unhelpful diversion. When the it reaches Sahasrahara, and the entire system is 'purified' the human spiritual journey is complete as nothing now remains to create the illusion of separation from the Divine and True Nature. This final condition, when all vasanas, samskaras and karmas have been dissolved, is the state known as Moksha. Moksha is then the condition of complete liberation. This differs from enlightenment which begins with the end of identification with mind and reaches it's final conclusion only with Moksha. Until Moksha is attained, the 'enlightened' can still become once more identified with mind, it's vasanas, samskaras and karmas.

Gargi was that special lady who having awakened her kundalini indulged herself in the famous dialogues with Pundit Mandan Mishra on the topic of sex. Gargi finally defeated Pundit Mandan Mishra for she was a truly God realized soul. Pundit Mandan Mishra had yet to awaken his .Sage Jnanavalakya was that dominant force in the times of king Janaka that even before the contest amongst 10,000 pundits and sages gathered on stage had begun... Sage Jnanavalakya ordered the prize money to be taken home. Sage Jnanavalakya was a truly God realized soul. He had awakened fully and he knew that none in the assembly had reached his level of spiritual attainment.Maitreyi... his dutiful wife was never after the mundane affairs of life... she yearned for gaining self realization within her lifetime. She knew well that her husband could impart her pearls of wisdom gaining which she could get her awakened and finally reach the stage of enlightenment.The Gargi and the Maitreyi colleges in New Delhi, India are reminiscent of those enlightening times in the history of mankind which remind us that kundalini awakening is also possible for a woman.Summing up I need to emphasize the fact that the precious semen is required to be stored if we truly desire its awakening at the earliest. It is only when the stored semen rises through the spine to the level of the centre of the forehead... shall we gain enlightenment within this life.

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Did You Know That You Should Get To Read More About 5-HTP And How It Can Help You

By Addy Rochon

Given a boost by celebrities in recovery from depression such as Jim Carrey, 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) is once again the up-and-coming nutritional supplement for the treatment of depression. 5-HTP supplies the source of the amino acid tryptophan in a form that readily enters the brain. The human brain converts tryptophan into the key mood regulator serotonin.

What's the evidence for 5-HTP? Psychiatrists ran a research trial involving 60 people with mild to moderate depression compared 5-HTP against Luvox (fluvoxamine), an antidepressant in the same drug class as Prozac.

Serotonin levels that are too low can greatly attribute to anxiety, depression and a number of other mood and neurologic disorders. 5 HTP is available over the counter in capsule form at most health and vitamin shops, and better drug stores.

What is Serotonin? Scientifically, Serotonin is a hormone found in the pineal gland, digestive tract, blood platelets and brain. It works as a neurotransmitter that sends nerve signals between nerve cells. Normally, the body maintains a normal serotonin level, but there are times when the level of Serotonin drops. When this happens, you may experience various health conditions. A common cause of low- serotonin levels is prolonged stress. A poor diet can also cause serotonin levels to drop. Aside from that, hormonal changes may also contribute to low levels of serotonin. There are also studies that show that abuse of nicotine, alcohol and drugs may lead to a drop in the level of Serotonin in our body.

To avoid adverse effects, it's a good idea to begin by taking a 50-milligram dose once or twice a day. Then slowly build up to a 100-milligram dose, but only after 3 or 4 weeks.

5 HTP can be used in conjunction with other natural supplements as well, though it is recommended to consult with a physician before starting or combining any medication or supplements. Some do find it possible to manage their anxiety with 5 HTP.

This rare condition of excess serotonin may cause agitation, confusion, heightened physical reflexes, racing pulse, and excessive sweating leading to hypertension, coma, and death.

Serotonin syndrome has never been observed from supplementation with 5-HTP, but as a precaution, avoid using 5-HTP if you take any prescription drugs for depression or migraine. People who have angina, uncontrolled high blood pressure, a rare form of migraine known as Prinzmetal's angina, or who have had a heart attack should also avoid 5-HTP.

The best way to get good results when taking 5 HTP is to combine it with a diet that is rich in foods containing L-Tryptophan such as turkey, eggs, milk, yogurt, bananas, nuts, beans and cheddar and swiss cheese. Taking Vitamin B-6 and Omega-3 fish oil helps, too. By taking 5 HTP with this type of diet it is suggested that people can increase serotonin production naturally, reducing anxiety symptoms. Another benefit for some, by increasing serotonin production with the help of good carbohydrates and 5 HTP, it can also act as an appetite suppressant.

When that happens the pleasurable effect goes away, and the cravings return. When it does, it is also accompanied by anxiety, foggy thinking and irritability. This cycle cause you to gain a lot of weight and causes obesity.

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Five Steps To Lose Fat And Build Muscle Quickly

By Russ Howe

Depending how long you have been a member of a gym you may have already encountered the madness which ensues when you ask anybody for tips on how to build muscle fast. This also occurs when you bring up the topic of how to lose weight of course. Nobody tells you the same thing twice and everybody swears that their way is the right way. Right now you're going to find out the facts and they are a lot simpler than you might be thinking.

The basics work best when it comes to building lean tissue and keeping it. Today we're going to be laying down the foundations of a solid size and strength plan for you to follow.

1) You Still Need To Diet.

2) Understand Supplements Before Using Them.

3) Your Workouts Need To Be Strength And Size Focused.

4) The Importance Of Rest.

5) Sleeping Is Now Part Of Your Training.

The five rules are very basic and, strangely, very easily overlooked in favor of needlessly more complicated techniques. Simply put, these are proven to work and have stood the test of time on the gym floor. Rule number one is about diet. That's right, you still need to diet if your goal is adding size and strength.

While you may be striving to add more size to your body, we're pretty sure you don't mean fat.

Watch the video incorporated into today's post to learn how to sort out your diet. The simple system shown is proven to work.

The second step is to get to know your sports supplements. Most of us use a protein or creatine but most of us don't know anything more other than they're supposed to be good for you, that's it. If you don't know why you're taking something, you should not be taking it. It is that simple.

The key word to remember here is supplement. It's intended to be an extra. Be sure to get the majority of your diet from the food you eat rather than the sports supplements you use. A decent whey protein and some creatine monohydrate is all you need.

When it comes to your workout routine there are a million different ways to do it but the foundations of any great muscle building program are always very similar. Compound movements including Bench Press, Squat and Bent Over Rows are the focus of your work. You'll see others spending 45 minutes isolating their forearms, but this isn't going to get them anywhere.

You also need to take days off from training to maximize your gains. Rest up to size up, that's our motto. There is no point in training every single day and not letting your body to recover.

Sleeping is also a key ingredient in this type of diet. In order to release growth hormone your body needs to be asleep. If you fail to get enough sleep you sell yourself short. It's that simple.

If anybody reading this also read our five step guide on how to lose weight fast and safely you'll notice that it was just as simple and easy to follow. Because despite all the hype and confusion surrounding how to build muscle the basics are still as good as it gets.

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