Letting Go Of A Sugar Addiction

By Jack H. Sousa

Are you sugar addicted? You are not alone!I used to be intensely sugar addicted. I craved it all the time, and it seems like the more I ate, the more I wanted it. The fact that it made me feel terrible - first I'd feel the high and then I'd crash and feel spaced out - didn't faze me. I wanted my sugar. Just before I started to clean up my diet in my early 20s, I lived with my aunt, and I used to sneak frozen cake from her freezer - little pieces at a time, hoping she wouldn't notice![]

Then I started to read about nutrition and realized how toxic sugar is for our bodies. I used a lot of willpower to stop eating sugar, and I mostly succeeded, but the craving didn't go away. One time about 30 years ago, I went off sugar completely for two years. After a few months, the cravings lessened, but then after two years I made the mistake of thinking I was cured. A bite of sugar and all the craving returned.

Don't eat white foods,OK this is a general rule because you can still eat white onions, potato and cauliflower. White foods to avoid are sugar (white or brown), white pasta, flour, bread and rice. Substitute wholemeal pasta, wholemeal flour, whole grain bread and brown rice. You only need to stay off white foods for six to eight weeks until you lose your sugar cravings, after that treat them as treat foods and don't have them every day.Don't eat low fat foods,The low fat food industry is big business these days with yummy tasting, attractively packaged goodies and the unspoken promise that you will feel great, lose weight and look like those svelte models in the advertising. Well the truth is that low fat foods often contain a lot of sugar because they need to make the product taste good somehow.

Eat more fat,The low fat diet period developed from skewed research back in the 1950s. There is now a lot of evidence to show that it is not fat that is making us fat, but sugar. Fat helps with satiety (making you feel full) which is very important if you are trying to lose weight or kick a sugar addiction. Weight Watchers have just launched some changes to the current program to allow two teaspoons of healthy oils such as olive, flaxseed and sunflower daily for zero points.

Man-made chemicals compromise the body's fat-burning biochemical mechanisms so only 100% natural substances can reverse the dramatic rise in America's sugar-induced rise in obesity rates. Like those for alcohol and many pharmaceuticals, white sugar withdrawal symptoms include lack of motivation, irritability, depression, difficulty concentrating, inconsistency in thoughts and actions, and emotional outbursts. Refined sugar has what alternative obesity researchers call a "two-hour cycle."Basically, sugar addicts need to eat sugar about every two hours or they'll start experiencing withdrawal symptoms. That's probably the true reason healthcare professionals (conventional and nontraditional) advise their clients to eat something every 2-3 hours. There is no credible scientific evidence that such constant eating significantly benefits health. However, it's the advice sugar addicts want to hear. For most of humanity's history, people were hunter/gatherers or farmers. Everyone worked hard all day long and ate one large, evening meal.Two centuries ago, eating three or more times a day was a luxury only the wealthy could afford. In the early 1900s, Western societies began accommodating a large middle class and members of this class began eating not only dinner, but also breakfast and lunch. However, human DNA/genes evolved on a one-meal-a-day diet, which enables the body to rest from food digestion and efficiently engage in repairing its biochemical mechanisms. With a sufficient amount of protein and saturated fat in one's diet, eating one meal a day should not involve significantly noticeable hunger signals.

Antibiotics not only destroy the harmful bacteria - they kill all bacteria, which leaves the gut vulnerable to harmful bacteria unless the beneficial bacteria are replaced with probiotics. Most other drugs also destroy beneficial bacteria. Factory-farmed meats, poultry and dairy products contain the antibiotics and hormones that are given to the cows and chickens, and the pesticides that are in their food. All of this destroys beneficial bacteria.Looking at this list, you can see why most people are suffering from a grave imbalance in their gut flora. If you want to heal a sugar addiction, you need to do healing work to restore the natural balance. Dr. Natasha's book teaches you how to do this. I encourage all of you who want to heal a sugar/carb addiction and attain health to read it.

Getting sugar addiction help is a little easier now that low carb diets are so popular but still a difficult undertaking on the best of days. Like true addicts, we all enjoy the occasional sweet treats that ruin our diets. If you have a problem with sugar chances are that the first place it will show up is in your waistline. Of course that isn't the only place that sugar can take it's toll on your body.Not all Addictions are Created Equal.Some addictions to sugar are more difficult to manage than others. Not everyone is equipped with the will power necessary to walk away from the sweet rewards that sometimes make life worth living.

In other words, millions of people all around the world, whether they admit it or not, need serious sugar addiction help.If you are one of these people identifying the problem is the first step towards successful treatment. Once you've decided to get sugar addiction help you can begin exploring your options for a viable sugar addiction treatment program that won't leave you out in the cold and eating more sugar than ever before.

It is also best for people who are addicted to sugar to eat foods that contain plenty of protein and fiber. Protein and fiber take longer for your body to digest. You will feel full for a longer period of time and be less inclined to snack. One of the next things to do is limit your intake of white bread, since it contains sugar. Instead, you can switch to eating wheat bread. The same thing should happen with rice and potatoes. Instead of eating white rice, try to consume more brown rice. Instead of regular potatoes, eat sweet potatoes some of the time. They won't raise your blood sugar as much as regular potatoes.

Things will go much more smoothly if you keep an accurate journal of everything that you eat. Many people will be surprised at how their sugar intake can add up when all of the foods they eat are combined. Keeping a journal will allow you to see exactly how much you consume.It is important to note however, that you shouldn't try to change things excessively in such a short period of time. Start slowly to reduce your sugar intake and it will be much easier to continue. You may not even want to avoid eating sugar altogether. It's fine if you want to give yourself a reward every so often whenever you do well. If you have herpes try to stick to fruit for your sweets.You will also help yourself considerably by staying as active as possible. People tend to eat more often when they are sitting around relaxing or watching TV. If you are physically active, then you will be too busy to eat any sugary foods. Starting an exercise routine is a great idea since it helps you get or stay in shape.

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A Social Media Marketing Coach May Utilize Google+

By Rob Sutter

I think that there is a tremendous amount of appeal when it comes to Google+. It may not be as recognized as others but the truth of the matter is that is a simple site to use and this only helps to make it that much better. Should this structure be given more attention in the long term? I believe this to be true, especially when you think about the overall usefulness that a social media marketing coach is able to bring to the masses.

Google and YouTube seem to go hand-in-hand, so I think that it would be wrong not to mention this relationship. YouTube is seen as one of the most recognizable sites in the world, being utilized by a number of individuals who have even the most passing of an interest in video. As a result, it's smart for the renowned Google brand to acquire the site. There's a lot of exposure to be seen as well, not just for these two brands but for those who constantly make use of them.

Google+ is not exactly the most trying site to navigate, especially when you see how streamlined is truly is. After all, the most important part of any website is for anyone to be able to navigate it with little hassle. With this set in place, social media will be able to reach a wide number of people. Even though the Internet is commonly used by a set number of people, why should any brand limit its scope, thereby casting aside potential consumers which they could have attained?

I do not think that Google+ is struggling and I'm sure that any social media marketing coach will not say differently. The site is home to 100 million users and each of them has to be able to see the appeal behind this particular platform. Circles are one of the many features of Google+ and this is easily one of the finest when it comes to people making connections with one another. Even if it may not be mentioned alongside something like Facebook, for example, authorities such as S.M.M.C. see the appeal.

Google+ is a great platform but the problem is the lack of awareness that it has. Yes, there are many individuals who have accounts and while I believe that the interface is one of the best, how many of your friends are on the platform? It's important to get the word out, as any social media marketing coach would be able to tell you. I say this because I think that this platform has the potential to become even greater over the course of time, as long as work is done.

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Searching For Helpful Arthritis Tips? Look Below!

By Angela Santos

The severe pain that typically accompanies arthritis often leaves sufferers feeling exhausted and depressed. This article will help you cope with your arthritis pain.

Combination hot/cold packs can be used to alleviate joint pain. You should try alternating between heat and cold to get the best results. Your doctor will be able to tell you how to best use heating and cooling to find relief from your discomfort.

Simple exercises have been proven to offer some assistance in removing pain and discomfort caused by arthritis. Ask your doctor if you do not feel right about exercise.

Stop arthritis before it even starts. One way you can try to prevent arthritis is to employ proper typing habits. When typing on the computer, keep arms and hands level with the keyboard, and position your mouse for less strain. These techniques are helpful for reducing the stress on your hands, which prevents further damage later in life.

Relax in a chair and close your eyes while taking some deep, calming breaths. Techniques that distract your mind are often helpful because they give you a break from the pain.

Before performing any type of action, consider the impact it will have on your joints. Sometimes the most minuscule of jobs can seem trying if you suffer from arthritis pain. Instead of lifting, try sliding the item across floors or counters, or ask for help. This can protect you from inflammation, pain and irritation.

If all other treatments for your arthritis have not worked, you might consider having joint surgery. While invasive, this procedure has proven to work in most patients, restoring flexibility and mobility.

You should make sure your bed is the proper one for you to get a good night's sleep. Those with arthritis should discuss their options with their physicians, who can probably recommend the best type of bed for this condition. Everybody is different, and getting an experts advice is one of the ways to really find out the kind of bed that is best for you and the unique arthritis pain you have.

As with any health issue, it is vital that you have a sturdy support system when coping with arthritis. You can draw assistance and aid from friends, family, and medical professionals in order to better deal with your condition. Support groups and also offer great opportunities to meet and offer support to others in your situation. Try to find ways in which others cope with their symptoms.

Planning ahead is important. It's a good idea to have plans and treatments ready and waiting, because your arthritis could start bothering you at any time. Divide your tasks into smaller chunks so that you may have more rest breaks, and devise a way to immediately stop any undertaking if you should have the need to.

Try walking after dinner. Walking every evening helps you digest and metabolize your food. It energizes you for the rest of your evening tasks. Walking with friends can help your health, and it will also give you time to spend with them.

It is hard to sort through all the information regarding arthritis, because there are so many different kinds and each person's experience is different. This article has advice that can be used as an overall review for arthritis pain. Using these techniques and suggestions, you can ease the pain of arthritis and find some much-needed relief.

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