New York Web Design: What Is A Wiki?

By Arthur Williams

"Wiki" is a fairly common term on the Internet. Many people immediately think of Wikipedia, but what they may not know is that the term in question has quite a bit of story to it. New York web design companies might be hired to build wikis for others, but what is the reason for this? If you'd like to learn about wikis, in the broadest sense imaginable, the following information should be worthwhile to you.

In general terms, a wiki is a type of website whose content can be edited by others, regardless of their connection to said website. The reason why these sites are called "wikis" dates back to 1994, when Ward Cunningham started to develop the first website of its kind. "Wiki" is the Hawaiian word for "quick," which would be how long it would take for the site's content to be changed. The rest, as they say, is history.

If you want to know about the value of wikis, web design New York agencies can tell you that it starts with their content. Wikis can be edited in quick fashion, which is important when you think about how constant information has become these days. It can be difficult to wait for updates, especially through traditional publications. What wikis do, according to authorities such as Avatar New York, is allow for immediate changes so that wait times are cut down.

Another reason why wikis stand out - and Internet marketing companies can say the same - is that they encourage community engagement. This might go without saying, seeing as how these websites can be edited by different people. However, when people work together, the likelihood of accurate content becomes greater. What this means is that while social media is seen as a great tool for engagement, it's far from the only one.

As you can see, there is quite a bit to learn about wikis and the benefits they have to offer. However, the information covered earlier is far from the extent, which means that you should take the time to research matters further. This is where the help of New York web design specialists can prove to be especially useful. By taking the time to learn from them, not only will you become more familiar with wikis but web design as a whole.

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