Many Women Are Turning To Soy Products For Menopause Relief

By Lewis Fernandez

When confronted with a medical problem such as female menopause, it is difficult to know which route one should take to treat the problem. A big question on everyone's lips is will the treatment be effective against all of the symptoms your body is faced with. Many women in society today turn to the more holistic and natural methods for treatments and find benefits from using soy products for hot flashes.

During their change of life, women have been known to suffer from the following symptoms; Hot flushes, Mood Swings, weight gain, loss of energy, loss of your feel good hormones, hair loss, dry skin, and even to become sicklier. This can result in losing friends, depression, becoming miserable, anxious, generally a moody, irritated person. No one wants to be around that kind of person.

Synthetic chemical hormones, manufactured in a laboratory, as well as Equine hormones, and plant based products. As far back as 2002 it has been shown through testing that these HRT are not always stable and beneficial to the body. In some cases these treatments are causing an increase in the risk of Heart Disease, Breast Cancer, Strokes, Blood Clots and Gallbladder problems.

The effects of this on the population have been shown in low birth weights of babies, infertility. Animal studies are even more devastating and dramatic and have all been directly linked to the consumption of genetically modified soy. That includes allergies, sterility, birth defects, offspring death rates up to 5 times higher than normal.

The goods are used in different applications but form the base of many soy foods, Miso, is a fermented Soy Bean past, used as a flavoring, it is a great source of many minerals the body requires. Tempeh - an Indonesian specialty made by cooking and dehulling soya beans to form a textured cake, which is solid in form and containing protein, vitamin B, and minerals. Todu - known as Curd, made using Soya milk mixed with soy proteins, calcium or magnesium salts, once the whey is settled and removed the curds are formed producing iron, calcium and a good protein source.

While the Soy products are assisting the body, it is also a good idea to partake of products such as Calcium, Magnesium, and even Coral Calcium. Phosphors can be taken to strengthen bones, which is crucial for nerve conductivity, muscle contraction and your heartbeat. Calcium needs Magnesium in order to assimilate into the body.

It is the Phytoestrogen content of Soya - certain chemicals found only in Plant foods, that has prompted many women to opt for this more healthy and natural means to treat their symptoms, by boosting the chemical levels, and the lower risk of further health issues. The Phytoestrogen acts as a weakened form of estrogen, which is able to relieve the symptoms of the aging process. It almost fools the body into thinking that it is operating correctly but with lowered levels of certain chemicals.

The other side of the coin of course is that as dangerous as one type of soy is the fermented soy products for an organic soya bean can be nutritionally rewarding to your body. An essential part of your health diet assisting in the management of the symptoms of Female Menopause. Combined with Vitamin K2 and Vitamin D, can be a combatant in lowering your risk of heart disease and cancer.

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