Thinking Of Using Soy For Night Sweats

By Mia Escobedo

Many women when going through the menopause will visit their doctor and ask for help to alleviate the symptoms. In some cases the physician will prescribe a long term course of drugs which are deigned to reduce hot flashes. More women these days are looking into natural solutions and if you are thinking of using soy for night sweats there are a few things to consider beforehand.

Doctors will have a list of approved medication that they can prescribe to women to help them combat the unpleasant effects of menopause. Hormone replacement treatment is the most common. A lot of HRT users experience some adverse side effect when taking this drug and so the natural remedies may be better suited to them.

In recent years a lot of women have started drinking soy milk to help them with their sweats while they are sleeping. The soy contains phytoestrogens which can counteract the chemicals which cause the sweats and flashes. Although this has not been medically approved as yet there have been some good results for many and there is a lot of on going research.

Studies have been made to investigate whether soy is bad for women's health if taken regularly. Some women that have been surveyed have reported mild digestive problems and other minor side effects. At present there is quite a lot of research into soy and the results are not yet clear and it will probably be a few years before there is clarity.

Other reports have stated that taking soy regularly can increase the risks of cancer. Some women who have had breast cancer in the past have been advised not to use soy in their diets due to the estrogen. Other reports have claimed that it can prevent cancer so the results are a very sketchy at this moment in time. If you have suffered from cancer previously it is advisable to consult your doctor before including products containing soy in your diet.

There are many way to include soy in your diet and it can easily be found in most stores. Soy milk and beans are commonly used and these are a great way of taking on board the product. A lot of the vegetarian meals that are now on the market will contain soy and it is regularly used as a meat substitute in sausages and other dishes.

If you are thinking of using alternative medicines to help you there are a couple of things to think about beforehand. If you decide to start using soy and you do not feel any improvements then it may not be suitable for you. If after taking it, you start to feel better, then you should continue with it as long as you are not experiencing any other problems.

When taking any course of treatment that is not the norm you should always ask the advice of your physician before starting. A healthy balanced diet and taking some exercise is recommended and if you are healthy in general you will respond to treatment better. There is a great deal of information to be found on the web regarding soy and it may be a good idea to read some of the facts.

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