Does Google Favor Videos In The Search Engines? Understanding Video Marketing

By John Musa

Google has been making a lot of changes lately, and so many people are worried that they will lose their business if these changes affect them. Nowadays ranking in Google is challenging, but it is not hard. You have to learn how to do it properly. You will not rank if you use tactics that Google doesn't approve. Many people are thinking of using videos on their websites, but they are not sure if Google loves videos or not. If you are one of these people, then read this article. You will know if Google favors videos or not.

So the short answer is Google doesn't favor videos as they must have the text tags and descriptions in order to be ranked at all. However, you're naturally going to employ this tactic, and this is where the true results come into play. You see, Google does actually favor videos, as they are usually highlighted at the top of search results in many cases. Not all search results are going to have an accompanying video, but the ones that do are going to be at the top.

Secondly, Google favors videos because they bought YouTube. People share quality information on YouTube, and there are so many videos that are entertaining. Therefore, Google wants their users to see these videos. They bought YouTube and now this video sharing site ranks highly in Google.

Search engines love content - there is no doubt about it. Today, it has also been found out that Google loves videos too! Statistics has shown that websites with YouTube videos have gained a huge advantage over those who do not utilize videos as part of their online marketing campaign. Considering that YouTube is now owned by Google, this would be the perfect place to start your video marketing efforts. Just like any other SEO strategy, you need to target the right keywords, use appropriate headlines, an engaging video description which links to your website.

You now know if Google favors videos on their search results. If you decide to use videos on your website, then you should focus on creating quality videos. The videos you create should be informative and it should solve the problems that people might be having.

If you put your Google on YouTube, you have a good chance to rank well in both the YouTube and the Google search results. Your first tactic might just be to rank for your preferred terms on the video site. It is owned by Google, and this high ranking in YouTube can lead to good results in Google's natural results too. Just ranking well on YouTube can benefit you. Google is known as the largest search engine on the planet, but YouTube is actually #2.

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