Improve Safety At Work With Mobile Drug Testing Companies In Brownwood TX

By Jaclyn Hurley

Testing employees of drugs is a proactive approach in reducing the risks posed by use of these substances in workplace. As much as employers can try to reduce workplace injuries, when workers continue using drugs, they will increase the chances of causing accidents and injuries. With help of mobile drug testing companies in Brownwood TX, it is possible for businesses to eradicate the problem of drugs use in workplace.

Drugs have serious health and economic effects in business. They lead to reduced productivity among the workforce. Workers using them cannot concentrate on their duties. At times, they make mistakes, which cost the business a lot of money. These workers also spend a better part of their working hours away from the workplace, or hiding somewhere with the premises because they are intoxicated and cannot perform their duties.

The effects of drugs can last for days once you have taken the substances, and even the handovers can reduce productivity. You will have to deal with the problem of drugs very carefully in order to prevent the problems. Using drugs also leads to increased sick leaves where the workers spend a lot of time at home.

Besides increased medical care and bills, the workers stay at home and do not perform their duties. This becomes a burden to the employer because medical bills have to be paid, and also other candidates may be hired to replace the ones spending time at home. Injuries occur within workplace due to effects of drugs.

In worst cases, such workers can cause accidents within the business property or in other places when in course of their duties. Drivers who drive to various locations may indulge in road accidents, and lead to costly lawsuits. Workplace injuries may prompt OSHA officials to visit your business and inspect it.

If your business records increased cases of injuries, the OSHA officers visit the premises, and conduct an inspection. You are likely to be found with many flaws on the OSHA regulations some of which are not event related to use of the substances. Since when OSHA officers visit your business premise, they will look at all possible health and safety breaches, you may find yourself in more troubles.

Screening workers during the employment process may not even determine those who use or do not use drugs. During this time, some employees may be hired and later turn out to be drugs users. Moreover, workers who never used drugs can start using once they joint your company. Subjecting employees to periodic drugs tests can help identify those who use the substances, and take the right disciplinary measures including rehabilitation and dismissal from work.

Although employers can take the workers to be screened of drugs in laboratories away from the business premise, this is not only time consuming but also costly. The employer has to pay for transport costs. Also, the workers may interfere with the results by cheating. Workers going for the tests may take substances that neutralize the drugs toxicity levels in body meaning that tests may be negative for people who have used the substances. To avert these problems, the technician scan be called to carry out the tests inside the premises.

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