Getting Great Deals On Horse Rugs

By Essie Osborn

Equestrian equipment can be very expensive. Many owners are on a budget and need to be careful about what they buy. They are always looking for good quality items at reasonable prices. On of the most popular ways to shop today is to go on line. People can find just about anything they want and also do some comparison shopping to secure the very best deals.

Although shopping on line is a very common choice, some people still like to visit their local tack store. They may have built up a good working relationship with the owners and staff over many years. They can also ask question and really look at the products to see which they like best. This is very important, especially when buying big ticket items such as horse rugs and saddlery.

There are many excellent brands on the market today. Most owners have their favorites that they have been buying for years. These are often the mid range line, that is affordable yet still offer all the best features. Everyone is looking for a rug that is durable, light weight and washable.

When horses are being used in competition they need to be spotlessly clean. Most riders like to bath their horses the day before a show. They will then need a light sheet to prevent them getting dirty again. Horses instinct tells them to roll in the dirt when they are wet. This helps to get them dry and it also feels good. However, it is a disaster for a show horse to roll when they are still damp as all the dirt and dust will stick to their coat.

It has only been in the past ten years or so that some innovative companies have really gone back to the drawing board and redesigned equine clothing from the ground up. Some of the best new features are nylon rugs that are very easy to care for. They can be machine washed and dried and are very light weight.

The lighter rug is perfect for a horse that comes into the stable at night. They do not need such a high level of protection. Once they come in they are changed into their stable rug, one that is light weight but warm and easy to wash. Throughout the course of the winter the rug will need to be laundered several times. Checking the washing directions prior to purchase is a good idea.

Horses are very active animals and they like to play rough. Their rug will soon be torn to shreds if they are not made of really high quality fabrics. They also need to fit properly and have plenty of room around the front of the shoulders. A nylon lining is excellent as it helps to prevent rubbing and bald areas.

Some rugs have a special lining that actually helps to polish the horses coat. This can be a real advantage in the show ring where every point counts. Riders are very happy to use the new style of horse clothing that is versatile, affordable and easy to care for.

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