Direct Mail Campaigns: An Effective Marketing Tool

By Yusef Naser

Marketing approaches have vastly changed over the past ten years. This is due to the fact that consumers are spending increasingly more time on the web taking care of their daily business. That includes shopping, paying bills, interacting with others, or just looking up information. Marketers are quick to recognize this trend and are spending more efforts in their online marketing strategies.

The answer is, it depends. It depends on the behavior of your target market. If the demographic of your target has an average age of 40 years old or younger, then direct marketing may not be as effective because that age range tend to use for devices. However, if your target is older, perhaps 45 years old or more, then direct marketing may actually be more effective. There are a lot more older consumers right now, and they are staying around for a while.

Spend some time compiling a custom mailing list of potential customers who fit your market segment. These customers will want to know about your company and may be easily converted to paying customers. Give them an incentive to try your product. On your materials include something special, like a free gift or coupon. This will entice the customer to make a purchase.

However, with so much junk mail clogging a person's mail box at home, direct marketing must be very focused and personal. Direct marketing letters must look like they are specially written to the consumer. Even junk mail will often be addressed to the consumer by name, so the marketing letter must include some pieces of information that is directly relevant and personal to the consumers. For example, if the letter is from a real estate agent soliciting business, the letter should include market information of the consumer's neighborhood, how much a house down the block sold for recently, and other bits of information that speaks personally to the consumer.

If the right approach is used, direct marketing is still a good investment of your marketing dollars. Just make sure that you deliver the right message to the right target.

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