A Brief Overview Of Some Popular Nutritional Supplements And Nutraceuticals

By Tiffany Gill

The market for nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals is a vast and growing one. In the US alone, the dietary supplement market is estimated at around $25 billion. People today, particularly baby boomers, are much more health-conscious and are willing to spend a considerable amount of their disposable income on being healthier. This brief article will look at six popular supplements and how they can benefit the health of those who take them.

Blue-green algae and green foods: products such as chlorella, spirulina, barleygrass and wheatgrass have a powerful anti-inflammatory effect and are exploding in popularity among health-savvy consumers. They all contain very high concentrations of the compound chlorophyll, which in addition to the benefits already mentioned, also oxygenates the blood and has a strong deodorizing action.

Cod liver and fish oil: reams of studies have been published documenting the health benefits of fish oil. Taking it is simply one of the smartest health choices one can make. It has been shown to positively impact brain health, skeletal health and inflammation. It is rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fats and has demonstrated anti-ageing properties. Good quality fish oil is also relatively cheap and freely available.

CoQ10: a relative newcomer to the scene, this compound is a vital nutrient for cellular function. It can help boost energy, benefit heart health and help combat inflammation. It's effects on the healthy functioning of cell mitochondria is also considered by some anti-ageing researchers to aid life expectancy.

Curcumin: the promise shown by this ancient spice as an anti-cancer agent has made headlines in recent years. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory that can be of great benefit to those suffering with inflammation-related health issues. It is thought to do this by reducing or inhibiting levels of an enzyme known as COX-2. It is also thought to assuage inflammation by stimulating the adrenal glands to release more of the natural steroid cortisone.

Pro-biotics: huge numbers of middle-aged and older people in the US suffer with poor digestive function. Symptoms such as gas, constipation and bloating are indications that one's digestive system is not working well. This is often due to a lack of good bacteria in the gut. This can be remedied by taking a pro-biotic which will replenish intestinal flora and help restore optimal digestive function.

Glucosamine sulphate: this is one of the most popular supplements with older people, and with good reason. It is a substance that naturally occurs in healthy cartilage and has been shown to relieve joint pain, improve mobility and help slow osteoarthritis-related damage to the joints. This compound may however interact with drugs such as diuretics and blood thinners so it is important for those considering taking it to consult their physician first.

These six products and other nutritional supplements and nutraceuticals will continue to take an expanding slice of consumer spending well into the future. With ever-increasing health-care costs, savvy consumers the world over are taking greater control of their primary health needs. By making smart choices about what they put into their bodies they are taking the best steps possible towards a long, disease-free life.

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