Low Testosterone Levels? Avoid These 5 Deadly Mistakes!

By Corey E. Moyer

Many men who become naturally deficient in testosterone ponder the relationship between having a vasectomy and testosterone levels if thinking about boosting their testosterone levels with testosterone replacement therapy.The connection between vasectomy and testosterone production may influence their decision as to whether to have a vasectomy or not.

In reality, you have one option, and one option only! You've got to get your testosterone levels back up where they belong!.Let's talk about how to do that right now!Low Testosterone Levels? Unless you're past the age of 60, your low testosterone levels are caused by one thing.

Yup! It's poor decisions, you're making on a day to day basis, that are decimating your male hormone levels.I'm going to list the top five right now.Take this information seriously, make some changes, and you just may turn your life around!Excessive use of Drugs & Medications!If you're taking any type of drug or medication, please raise your hand!Almost two-thirds of all Americans currently use some form of drug or medication.

If you're regularly using drugs, and think they're not effecting your sex drive, think twice. Even common aspirin reduces testosterone levels in men.Here are a few of the worst offenders.Antidepressant psychiatric medications, including Elavil, Valium, and Prozac. Antihypertensive and diuretics.Antihistamines including, Dramamine, Antivert, and Benadryl.Opiate analgesics (painkillers) such as Demerol, Oxycontin, and Codeine.And a few more for good measure, including,Propecia, Tagamet, Zantac, Pepcid AC, and Ibuprofen.

Obesity. Based on the way the testosterone-estrogen mechanism works, increased levels of estrogen will ultimately decrease the circulating testosterone. Excess fat causes more estrogen production due to the fact that fat cells are those, which manufacture estrogen. So, the more fat cells, the more estrogen in the blood and the less testosterone.Drug and alcohol abuse. Alcohol has the property to inhibit your ability to remove estrogen from the blood stream by acting as a central nervous system depressant and also by decreasing zinc levels.Stress elevates corticosteroid levels in the blood steam, which causes the testosterone levels to decrease.Medications. Some medications, including estrogen and progesterone, lower the lutenizing hormone (LH) levels. LH is the hormone, responsible for the steroid hormones production.Diabetes. Studies suggest that there is a link between type 2 diabetes and lower testosterone levels.Hypertension and high cholesterol levels. These both cause the arteries to harden, this way decreasing the blood flow to the sex hormone producing organs. That of course leads to low sex hormone levels. Fact is after the age of 40 test levels drops by roughly one per cent per year. We can't do too much about that. The clock keeps ticking for all of us. However, we can try to manipulate testosterone levels in any other possible way.Low fat diet. Low fat consumption causes increase of the SHGB, which means one thing less free testosterone. It is considered that monounsaturated fats play an important role in testosterone levels and bioavailability.Overtraining can contribute to as much as 40 per cent drop in testosterone levels. That is why it's important to notice early the signs of overtraining and give the body a week or two well-deserved rest.Not enough sleep. If you are not getting enough sleep the body is not recuperating well, which causes less testosterone and more corticosteroids to be released. Just to mention corticosteroids like cortisol are in fact catabolic hormones meaning they use up muscle tissue to provide the brain and the heart with energy.

Vitamin C. It suppresses the release of the stress hormone cortisol. Cortisol decreases testosterone levels. So, ultimately less cortisol, more testosterone.How to boost testosterone levels Incorporate basic movements that involve several muscle groups in your training routine. Good ones are squats, dead lifts, and military presses. Basic (compound) exercises have been shown to play an important role in the testosterone levels.The greatest workout related testosterone production occurs with the use of heavier weights and lower rep range. A study shows that the best is 85 per cent of your one-rep max.Tribulus terestris is a natural supplement, which has been shown in some studies to have the ability to increase the leutenizing hormone (LH) levels. As we already mentioned above, one of the functions of LH is to stimulate testosterone production by the testes.

Here are a few more facts on exercise! Researchers at the University of VA measured male growth hormone levels of cyclers after an all out 30 second sprint.These sprints increased HGH levels by a whopping 530% over baseline.Endurance training, has a different hormonal effect. It leads to increased cortisol and low testosterone levels.Failure To Reduce Male Estrogen Levels.

Those that may choose on their own to take Testosterone Supplements are usually bodybuilders and athletes that want to increase muscle mass and stamina during their workouts and exercises. Others that may find it necessary to take the supplements are those that have less natural testosterone in their bodies caused by medical conditions and have it prescribed to them by a doctor. Whatever the case and cause may be, testosterone should be taken in a certain way and at particular times.

Switch to unscented natural products, and make changes in your daily routine to avoid exposure to these chemicals.Reduce consumption of estrogenic foods, especially soy products.Increase your consumption of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower.Make a few changes in your sleep patters, and you'll kick start your testicles into producing more testosterone.Poor sleep habits can have a devastating impact on T levels, especially, if the habits are chronic.Several studies have show that when sleep levels decline, so do T levels.The sweet spot for most men falls somewhere between 7-8 hours.

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